InfoPods – Interactive2017-06-25T01:02:59+00:00

Outside the ballroom at breaks, meals, and even before and after sessions; create an inviting environment with all the features you want using old and new display technologies, clearly differentiated areas for relaxation – fun – information – trivia – teambuilding.  Make each area look different from the others, different colors, different furniture, different information levels, different technologies.  Make all display elements, interesting and add some interactivity and fun.  Make an area that is so interesting and eclectic, it’s difficult to get people to leave the break and come back into the ballroom.  Inspire in an area that has attendees relaxing, and reviewing displays and information pieces, before the meetings and after.  Peak creativity and curiosity by giving glimpses into what may be coming up next in the General Session.  Keep snacks and soft drinks available, open the outer area at 7am and close it down at 11pm.

If you build it, make it interesting and fun . . . they will come!

Don’t keep your meeting within the confines of the ballroom walls, make the whole area yours and make people believe with